JUNE 2ND, 2015

RwandAir and 3Green case study: the benefits of professional aviation consultancy
RwandAir takes small but mighty to a new level. Their team is planning a major expansion over the next couple of years which will see it expanding its fleet with wide body aircraft and operating long haul flights to Europe and Asia while also growing its presence within the African continent. Its current network includes 15 destinations in Africa as well as its Dubai route.
The team at 3Green was invited by RwandAir to provide, and establish, four vital services. 3Green will establish the operations engineering section and develop fuel conservation and monitoring programmes as well as running an Operational Control Centre Gap Analysis and Computerised Flight Planning aircraft performance set up.
In line with the first objective, in addition to on the job training provided by 3Green, three engineers from RwandAir completed extensive training in the Boeing facilities in Seattle and Dubai. Amongst their newly achieved capabilities are:
- designing engine out procedures
- publishing airport analysis manuals for RwandAir destinations and alternate airports
- calculating aircraft performance degradation factors, for the Boeing fleet
- tracking aircraft weight and publishing weight and balance data
- optimizing flight cost related to time and fuel by using Cost Index
These capabilities are being accomplished under the supervision and guidance of the 3Green team and, where appropriate, the 3Green team also provides a full Operations Engineering Support service. By using this model the RwandAir team is able to gain experience and build confidence. To further enhance their expertise RwandAir will continue with on the job training by furthering operations engineering training for their Boeing and Bombardier fleet.
Even with the current low fuel prices saving money by reducing fuel burn is important for the bottom line. 3Green devised a Fuel Conservation and Monitoring programme which, when correctly implemented, would produce an annual savings of USD1.5 – 2 million. This substantial savings is made possible by introducing some of the following policies: reducing extra fuel loading out of Kigali by improving flight crew confidence in the computerized flight planning system and introducing an adequate fuel tankering policy in RwandAir. By bringing fuel costs down RwandAir is also bringing new environmental awareness and a greenhouse gas reduction culture to the region and positioning themselves as a green leader.
The OCC Gap Analysis which was performed in the beginning of May 2014 served to highlight areas which need improvement. Impartial audits are vital in ensuring that companies stay ahead of the pack and continually improve their procedures and as a result their operations as a whole. RwandAir has successfully passed the IOSA audit and is noted as being the airline of choice for many passengers in the region. This trend is set to continue throughout its expansion.
As a part of their service 3Green performed evaluations of three different flight planning systems with RwandAir opting to remain with their current provider, SITA. 3Green has developed procedures which allow RwandAir to fully utilise SITA which also results in a cost savings advantage by using optimized climb and descent speed schedules as well as implementing a Cost Index in flight planning and flight operations.
By using a professional aviation consultancy company like 3Green, which has combined over 100 years industry experience, RwandAir is able to maximise its current and future resources including its most important resource, its people. Well trained and professional people together with efficient operations will streamline a business and result in a favourable bottom line. The end result being that all stakeholders will benefit from this investment.